Trademark & Copyright Information
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Fair use guidelines for use and reference of HLNCC trademarks
HLNCC "trademarks" include the logo and other designs owned and used by HLNCC (collectively referred to herein as "logos"), as well as HLNCC product and service names (collectively referred to herein as "product names"). HLNCC reserves all rights of ownership of its trademarks.
Use of "HLNCC" as a company name
"HLNCC", the 5 letters in text, is both a trademark (service name) of HLewis Network Consulting Corporation, and an abbreviation of its company name. When "HLNCC" is used to identify the company HLewis Network Consulting Corporation, it is called a trade name. Trade name usage typically applies when referring to a company as opposed to a particular product. It is permissible to use HLNCC as a possessive if you are referring to HLNCC the company. In that case the name does not identify goods or services (which are legally the domain of trademarks).
Incorrect use of HLNCC trademarks
- Do not omit a footnote/attribution for HLNCC trademarks.
- Do not alter the approved HLNCC trademark.
- Do not create any new logo for HLNCC or HLNCC product names.
- Do not incorporate any HLNCC product names into your company's product names.
- Do not incorporate any HLNCC product names into the root domain of any Web site owned by your company.
- Do not misspell or use lower case letters when using the name HLNCC in text.
- Do not use the HLNCC taglines.
- Do not connect your company name with HLNCC product names.
- Do not use the HLNCC trademark name for a product or service as a noun, or in the plural form.
- Do not misspell or incorrectly capitalize HLNCC trademarks. Always include the letters HLNCC before the trademarked HLNCC name on the first usage.