Secure Connectivity
Services - Network Integration - Security Services
We're experts in Cisco, Juniper and Check Point security technologies. Our years of professional services in a variety of client environments give us valuable experience that we'd like to share with you. Our experience includes the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Next-Generation product portfolio including 720 Supervisor engines and service modules, Cisco Firewall Service Modules (FWSM), Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) Solution Engines and servers, VMS and CSAMC, Cisco Security Agent (CSA), Intrusion Detection System Services Modules (IDSM-2), and securing Aironet wireless bridges and access points with 802.1X/EAP/WPA/LEAP with TKIP.
We are 7-year Check Point experts, and Check Point, ISS and Nokia certified. In addition to Routing & Switching, we hold rare CCIE Security certification. Review statistics on the number of Security CCIEs worldwide.
HLNCC seeks to provide secure connectivity in your environment, while delivering the following benefits:
- Mitigating security threats to networks, systems, and information
- Lowering operating costs through the consistent deployment of security policy and procedures
- Leveraging integrated router security
- Deploying flexible remote access solutions
- Integrating security into the switching infrastructure
- Increasing user mobility through secure wireless connectivity
From initial assessments and firewall installation, to around-the-clock remote monitoring and annual reviews, we can help ensure your firewall is protecting your network from unauthorized use.
Using the Internet or another public network as your information transport backbone presents a potential security risk. HLNCC can help you effectively manage-and mitigate-this risk by providing you with an integrated, comprehensive Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution. Designed to meet your specific needs, a VPN can provide your organization with secure, reliable and manageable business-to-business communications. Our “best-of-breed” solutions support remote access requirements, providing users with complete implementation of standards, including support for Triple DES and AES encryption and authentication with digital certi.cates, one-time password tokens and pre-shared keys.