Audits and Assessments

Services - Network Integration - Security Services

HLNCC services include comprehensive security analysis of any scale network—both externally from the perspective of an outside hacker and internally from the perspective of a disgruntled employee or contractor. Security vulnerability information is compiled, analyzed and concisely presented with operational-level recommendations on how to better secure the corporate network and help enable it to reach its full business potential.

Average losses due to security incidents are down this year
(from $289,000 per respondent to $234,244 per respondent),
though they are still above 2005 and 2006 figures.


Download the Executive Summary of the
14th Annual CSI Computer Crime and Security Survey

Contact us for more info on the Comprehensive Report.

We are partnered with a certified team of auditors to deliver comprehensive information security auditing including penetration testing, enterprise security management, vulnerability assessment, regulatory compliance information, mitigation services and solutions. A Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA®) manages all audits. Assessments include auditing of the following: